Experiment information
Accession CRX051600
Organism Homo sapiens
Title Human F -6h Fn infected
BioProject PRJCA001517
BioSample SAMC071814
Platform BGISEQ-500
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Total RNA was isolated, evaluated the quality, reverse-transcribed to Cdna. 1)mRNA enrichment: Oligo dT Selection or rRNA depletion;2)RNA fragment and reverse transcription: Fragment the RNA and reverse transcription to double-strand cDNA (dscDNA) by N6 random primer;3)End repair, add A tailing and adaptor ligation:The synthesized cDNA was subjected to end-repair and then was 3’ adenylated. Adaptors were ligated to the ends of these 3’ adenylated cDNA fragments;4)PCR amplification:The ligation products were purified and many rounds of PCR amplification were performed to enrich the purified cDNA template using PCR primer;5)Denature and cyclization:Denature the PCR product by heat and the single strand DNA is cyclized by splint oligo and DNA ligase;6) Sequencing on BGISEQ-500 platform. RNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC PCR SINGLE
Processing Planned read length (bp): 50
Release date2019-09-12
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR057238 CRR057238.fq.gz 1,023.81
SubmitterWenyan Kang (943818034@qq.com)
OrganizationShandong University
Date submitted2019-06-25